Say hello to our gorgeous curve model Jessica & find out about her day to day life in the modelling world
Who (or what?) inspired you to become a model?
When I was 17, I was asked to audition for Britain’s Next Top Model at the Clothes Show Live – although I was way too shy to apply back then! However, it inspired me to take myself to London a few months later where I got signed with a couple of agencies.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you move to?
This is tough, I am so close to my family that it would be hard to move to a new country. But, I have always been tempted by the Italian sun, fashion, history – and of course, the pizza and pasta!
How would your best friend describe you?
My bestie would definitely describe me as kind and as somebody who always considers other’s needs before my own.
On the flip side, she would also describe me as a massive worrier and over thinker!
What are your best beauty secrets?
Black castor oil. If you have afro-Caribbean hair, it works wonders to keep moisture and helps with healthy hair growth.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
The power to make sure my family and friends always lived healthy and happy lives.
If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
Call my parents up (hysterically) and announce that I could finally pay them back for everything they have given me.
Then maybe invest in a really good weave…
What are you currently reading?
The Modern Day Breakup by Daniel Chidiac (Don’t ask – it’s been a stressful couple of years haha!)
What are your top 3 life goals
To raise a family of my own
To achieve a healthy and balanced mind-set
To achieve my full career potential.
What tips would you give someone entering the industry?
To be completely confident in yourself and never, ever, take anything too personally.
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