Simon is one of those great all rounders; funny, charming, super reliable and handsome to boot!
Whenever he comes into the office he has so many great stories & anecdotes to tell us, we get no work done(!) but we managed to get a few interview answers out of him, check them out.
Who (or what) inspired you to become a model?
Someone recommended me to an agent, they thought I was photogenic! Got some shots done, put together a portfolio and that pretty much was it, the agent put me forward for a job, got it and I've never looked back, best move I ever made getting those shots done!
You have to be careful though, took advice on the style and content, I recommend the Model Camp or Image by Hunter, Glen Power for those quality portfolio shots you need, both really professional and skilled at their jobs.
What are you currently reading?
Lee Childs 'Jack Reacher' books, biographies, any escapism stuff, boys own adventure nonsense, lol!
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be?
Cornwall. Speaks for itself, perfect place.
What do you do in your spare time?
Paintball and airsoft. I used to play paintball a great deal; I worked in the industry for 30 years,
even played for Great Britain a couple of times, but not so much now, my knees are a bit rubbish!
What was your strangest modelling job so far?
Recently I was flown out to India to do a reshoot on an Indian tv Commercial,
I was in front of the camera for about 20 mins, flown back all in three days including 10 hours each way!
Good pay though and I got to keep the custom suit they made me for the job
All a bit jet set, top fun.
What would you superpower be?
Any tips for anyone getting into the industry?
If you think you are model material, first send selfies to an agent but speak to them first, ask them what they need to be able to judge.
Then get professional shots done, it’s about being photogenic, not just the obvious.
Develop thick skin! Honestly you only get a percentage of work you apply for and rejection is par for the course, however, having said that, it’s a fantastic job, you meet lovely people on every job.