We aren't allowed to have favourites at RMG bbbuuuuttt if we did, Daniela would be up there! Whenever I contact her about a job, we always digress and end up talking about holidays, RuPaul or wine (3 of my favourite things!). This time I asked her a few quick questions about her life and modelling career for all you blog readers to enjoy!
Tell us a bit about yourself?
I am a model and actress and I live in East London.
I was scouted aged 15 whilst shopping in Camden with my Mum.
I ended up modelling all over Asia but mainly Tokyo throughout my teens and early 20's so I count myself very lucky!
I took a few years out and studied psychotherapy (which I hope to return to one day)
then started modelling again in my 30's and haven't looked back!
Who (or what) inspired you to become a model?
The legend that is Kate Moss obvs.
What are your best beauty secrets?
Well if I told you they wouldn't be secrets!
Unfortunately there are none, it's all the boring things, plenty of sleep, drink lots of water, don't smoke!
What top 3 things are always in your bag?
Phone, make up, snacks
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be?
My heart will always be in London as my friends and family are here.
Second hands down would be Japan, with a holiday home in Hawaii :)
Favourite Food?
Thai green curry or a roast.
What do you do in your spare time?
I am a massive foodie and love cooking. And wine!
As I'm getting older I'm appreciating the calmer side of life, long walks and yoga etc.
Still like a party though :)
What was your favourite modelling job so far?
Probably the Muller yoghurt I shot in Tel Aviv a couple of years ago.
Fantastic cast and crew and all round amazing experience. Any time I get to travel the world for work is a blessing.
Any tips for anyone getting into the industry?
Be nice.
Always be on time.
Don't take rejection personally.
Stand your ground when necessary.
Don't get cocky when you book a big job!
Which Spice girl are you?
Totes Geri.
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