Blog post by Venus
Yes, you can model over 40
... And do everything else!
This is it! I'm going to share the journey!
Hi, my name is Venus Apovo. When I was a child, I wanted to be a photographer and a writer.
Now, I am 48 years old, mum of two daughters and a London model. Not quite what I had planned, yet nothing in life went the way I planned it.
Here, on this blog, I want to share my journey. I will show that getting to my age with the grey hair, sagging boobs and cellulite did not stop me from doing what I like, modelling.
I will walk you through my experience of the model life. Take you from the first photoshoot to my first time on a set. I will provide you with a toolbox of information that is going to make things happen. I want to show you that whatever your age, anything is possible. I have the chance to have a great mentor, so I want to share this knowledge with you.
Although my childhood dreams of being a photographer or writer did not come true, I'm not far from it. Always have a plan B!
Welcome to my crazy, unstructured and happy mature model life.
My goal is to help you become a model, fulfil your dreams, achieve goals and thrive in a new career. I will give advice on defining your brand and how to build your portfolio with the best photographers. Most importantly, giving advice on networking, getting signed and working with modelling agencies. Overall, you will see that being mature is not a handicap when you really desire something.
This will be a step by step guide of how I went from dreaming and wanting to do modelling to actually doing it. Don't waste your time searching for modelling on the internet. Stay away from the "venue" agencies, that ask for a fee upfront and don't be discouraged by the glamorous images you see, we are all human. I have been through this, I am currently going through it and I am planning for so much more. So, let me guide you and I am confident my experience will help you build a foundation of your own.
You can do all kind of jobs when it comes to modelling: B to B, fashion (I hope I will do more), catwalks, commercial (online and TV) photoshoots, short films, music videos, there are a lot of possibilities.
I will give more tips monthly, stories and update on my own jobs, with lots of back of the scenes and interviews. I just want to show it as it is, so you can have an insight of what you are getting into. So far, it has been all fun for me and I have evolved from job to job.
Blog link below if you would like to follow my journey further;